Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Review: HASK Keratin Smoothing Hair Care Collection

Here's a little bonus post for your Wednesday, powered by BrandBacker

I don't know about you, but my hair seems to need a little boost every fall. A combination of chlorine and sun from the summer plus drier air and more blow drying to avoid hair icicles in the morning always leaves my hair dry, dull, and lifeless. That's why I was really excited to try the HASK Keratin Smoothing Hair Care Collection. The whole line is designed to soften and renew your hair, which are two things I could definitely use!

What makes this set of products special is that they're made with Keratin, which is the same stuff that your hair is actually made of, so when it says it restores your hair it is NOT playing around.

First up at bat were the shampoo and conditioner. I lathered on up and then left the conditioner in for a few minutes, but couldn't tell a difference while I was in the shower. Once I added the Keratin Smoothing Shine Treatment (which is a hair oil you put on damp hair to reduce frizz) and went for the blow dry though - holy cow! My hair was seriously SO shiny. Like, shampoo commercial shiny. Basically every girl's dream.

Next up was the Smoothing Deep Conditioner, which I used after shampooing. Now I LOVE deep conditioners and masks and whatnot and use them all the time, so I was especially excited to try this out. I could tell it worked as soon as I rinsed it out of my hair. Hellooooooo shiny, super soft hair. It's like those fancy & expensive Keratin treatments I sometimes get tricked into doing at the salon but without the price tag - super yay.

So tell me, would you try the HASK Keratin Smoothing Collection?

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