Happy Friday!! This one is especially happy because we are packing it up tomorrow morning and heading out of town. Every year my extended family rents a house up in Northern Wisconsin for a week of fishing, swimming, boating, and board games. This year I'm especially thankful for the tradition, since thanks to the short(ish) drive, seclusion, and extra cleaning precautions we didn't have to cancel. It's just going to be six adults and three kids this year (my brother and his family live in Japan, and thanks to travel restrictions if they came to visit this summer they would have to stay!) so it'll be a little quieter than usual, but also it's three kids ages five and under so it definitely won't be quiet! I'm hoping I get the chance to relax a little and am not just spending the whole trip making sure Mia doesn't kill herself. This week she figured out how to open the silverware drawer and grab stuff out of it even though it's over her head. Pray for us.
Here are my finds for the week:
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Friday, July 17, 2020
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Lazy Hazy Crazy
Tee and Hat (identical here for $20 or with a pink brim) - J.Crew / Shorts (or similar) - J.Crew / Sandals - Target
I was looking for something on my computer this weekend and realized I never shared these photos, which if I'm remembering correctly, I took back at the beginning of May! Oh poor early quarantine Kristina, she had no idea what was in store.
But, on the plus side, that Kristina decided during a nap time to run around and try to self timer some photos of a top that was, at the time, brand new. It's no longer brand new, but lucky for you, it is now on sale ;) I have been loving it because it is tee shirt material so it's really comfortable and feels casual, but then that lace just takes it up a notch. Just what you need for all of those video calls! It's really beautiful, and goes around the back too.
These also are my favorite shorts of all time. I think I've been wearing them in summer outfit photos since basically the beginning of this blog, because they really are that good. (Awww little 2015 Kristina) The only difference is that this summer, I decided to unroll the hem a little. Apparently Mommy Kristina shows half an inch less leg than 24 year old Kristina.
Wow, we've been talking a lot about various kinds of Kristina.
Tee and Hat (identical here for $20 or with a pink brim) - J.Crew / Shorts (or similar) - J.Crew / Sandals - Target

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summer style
Monday, July 13, 2020
My Favorite White Claw Slushee Recipe
Wayyyyy back at the beginning of quarantine (you know, when we were hopeful that things would only be weird for a month) I saw a bunch of White Claw slushees making their way around the Internet. I've never been super into White Claws, but I'm always game for a good old fashioned frozen drink, so was in. White Claw slushees are basically a combo between a smoothie and a cocktail. They're typically a mix of frozen fruit, a White Claw, and sometimes more liquor or juice. We were in a period of wanting to mix new cocktails every weekend, so I ran off to the store (read: put stuff on my grocery list and patiently waited for two weeks) to grab some frozen fruit and liquor to try my hand at a White Claw slushee.
Well, the thing is, the slushees really were popular on Tik Tok, where the youths aren't really into measuring. So I eyeballed an approximation from a video, and Jeff and I got drunk. Like, drunk. In the middle of a Saturday afternoon. Whoops. Turns out, reflecting back on it, I accidentally served both of us a White Claw plus four shots of rum. A little much for a single cocktail.
So, after a bit of experimenting with different flavors, fruit, and booze, I'm here to present to you my favorite White Claw slushee - the Tropical Sunset. I just named it, can you tell?
Tropical Sunset White Claw Slushee
Yield: 4You'll need:
1 can mango White Claw
1 can tangerine White Claw
1/2 cup Malibu Rum
1 16oz bag frozen tropical fruit (I use a Dole mix that has mango, pineapple, and strawberry)
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend on low until fully combined. If it isn't quite as thick as you want, add a handful of ice and blend on high. Garnish with a sprig of mint if you fancy.
What's great about this recipe is it's basically a non-recipe. Use whatever frozen fruit you have, mix it with whatever White Claws or other spiked seltzer you have. You can also use fresh fruit and add more ice to get the right consistency. Just don't put four shots in each drink and you'll do great ;)
If you make a new combo that's amazing, let me know in the comments!! Would love to try your mix!
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Friday, July 10, 2020
Friday Finds
Happy Friday! Not a whole lot to report over here, our plans for the weekend are a social distanced birthday party for my dad and trying to figure out how to get Mia into the car without her getting carsick! Poor girl - I had extreme motion sickness while I was pregnant and seem to have passed it along to her. Any ideas besides flipping her car seat around?
Here are my finds for the week. I was refreshing my How I Packed for Hawaii in a Carry On Suitcase post because it's getting a lot of traffic again (weird, since I'm pretty sure Hawaii isn't allowing tourists right now) and found a ton of cute summer stuff.
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Here are my finds for the week. I was refreshing my How I Packed for Hawaii in a Carry On Suitcase post because it's getting a lot of traffic again (weird, since I'm pretty sure Hawaii isn't allowing tourists right now) and found a ton of cute summer stuff.
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friday finds
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
A Few Photos from the Fourth of July
You might have seen on Instagram that we went away for the long weekend. Well, it definitely wasn't planned!
Jeff's brother and sister-in-law Tim and Kerry rented a huge lake house way back in January for a huge group (we had opted out thinking we'd be having our own Fourth of July party) and after a few Coronavirus scares they decided to cancel and just invite family. And then after a Coronavirus scare in the family (don't worry, turns out everyone is cool) it turned out just we were invited. We got a call Wednesday night asking if we were in. After Tim and Kerry said they had gotten negative tests back the day before, we figured why not, and drove up on Friday morning.
Funnily enough, while we weren't planning on going on the trip, we had already rented the same house for Labor Day! So it ended up being a fun little preview of our upcoming trip. Not sharing the location since, you know, I just told you when we'll be there again! I'll share after our next trip though, because the house was super close to Chicago and was so adorable. Definitely the cutest place I've ever rented.
The weekend was SO nice - a lot of boating, swimming, laying around, and trying to make Mia be best friends with their dog Bodhi. On the last morning, Mia cornered Bodhi on the boat and finally snuck in some pets (and a nose boop) so I think it worked ;)
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Jeff's brother and sister-in-law Tim and Kerry rented a huge lake house way back in January for a huge group (we had opted out thinking we'd be having our own Fourth of July party) and after a few Coronavirus scares they decided to cancel and just invite family. And then after a Coronavirus scare in the family (don't worry, turns out everyone is cool) it turned out just we were invited. We got a call Wednesday night asking if we were in. After Tim and Kerry said they had gotten negative tests back the day before, we figured why not, and drove up on Friday morning.
Funnily enough, while we weren't planning on going on the trip, we had already rented the same house for Labor Day! So it ended up being a fun little preview of our upcoming trip. Not sharing the location since, you know, I just told you when we'll be there again! I'll share after our next trip though, because the house was super close to Chicago and was so adorable. Definitely the cutest place I've ever rented.
The weekend was SO nice - a lot of boating, swimming, laying around, and trying to make Mia be best friends with their dog Bodhi. On the last morning, Mia cornered Bodhi on the boat and finally snuck in some pets (and a nose boop) so I think it worked ;)
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Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Wednesday Finds
Oh heyyyyy! Coming in early with my finds for the week because we've got a long weekend here in the U.S.A.!! I've got a four day weekend starting in just a couple hours, so I thought I'd sign out early here too. We don't have a ton on the docket, just hitting up the zoo again (what, is twice in six days too much??) and watching the fireworks from our roof. Oh and Jeff went a little nuts and got two giant racks of ribs to grill for the two of us which could get exciting. Cheers to the long weekend, hope you're doing something fun (but safe!) to celebrate!!
Here are my finds:
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Here are my finds:
Follow along with everything Kristina does via Bloglovin!
friday finds
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