Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Statement Earrings + Lace-Up Heels

Sweater (similar here, I also love this one I got for my mom for Christmas - sizing tip, these always shrink in the wash so definitely get it a little big!) - LOFT / Pants and Bag (super similar under $30!, or a splurge)  - J. Crew Factory / Earrings (similar here, I also love these druzy drops and this fun striped pair) - Sole Society / Heels (currently half off!!) - Sam Edelman

When I want to get a little dressed up but not look like I'm trying to hard, I like to combine a couple of dressy items with pieces that are more casual. That way you can fit in anywhere, whether people are dressed to the nines or are in jeans and tee shirts. For example, here I'm basically just wearing leggings and a tunic, but add in some fancy earrings, lace-up heels and a cute little bag, and suddenly I'm ready for a little dinner date or a night out with friends. Bing bang boom. I've actually worn this exact outfit for a fancy work dinner, for a casual Saturday out with Jeff, and for happy hour. And probably some other times, because once I find an outfit I really like I can't get enough of it ;)

For a long time I had a problem with statement earrings, I loved the look but most of them are just way too heavy for my ears. I think whatever bored teenager who was working at Claire's the day I got them done put the holes a little too close to the bottom, so they just can't support much! This pair, however, is perfect - major shine with minimal weight, so I can actually wear them all day. Another pair I've found that work are these mini tassel earrings - the regular size were too much, but the minis are perfect.

Oh, and can we talk about these heels for a second? I haven't shared them on the bloggy since October, but I swear I wear them all the time! Or, you know, at least as much as I can when it's not snowing or raining and the temperature is above zero, which is a tricky ask in Chicago in the winter. I normally can't wear a pair of heels all day, but I think these work because my foot is basically strapped in, so there's no rubbing anywhere, not even the bottom of my foot. Now if only Chicago would cooperate so I could wear them more often. You had better believe they made an appearance on our trip to Vegas for New Year's though! I'm currently putting together a post about my favorite things to do in Vegas and a little recap of our trip that I'll be sharing next week. You know, if I can get my act together ;) Have a great Tuesday!!

Sweater (similar here, I also love this one I got for my mom for Christmas - sizing tip, these always shrink in the wash so definitely get it a little big!) - LOFT / Pants and Bag (super similar under $30!, or a splurge)  - J. Crew Factory / Earrings (similar here, I also love these druzy drops and this fun striped pair) - Sole Society / Heels (currently half off!!) - Sam Edelman

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Linking up with Style Me WednesdayTrend Spin Linkup, Confident Twosday.

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