Monday, March 20, 2017

This Weekend...

This weekend I...

...Somehow tricked Jeff into going to see Beauty and the Beast with me! He had been super into March Madness, but I got him to agree to go see a children's film with me in the middle of the games. Now that's what I call a win. I personally loved it, it was everything my five year old's heart could have hoped for. We went to see it at The Davis in Lincoln Square which just reopened a couple of months ago. The theater is now connected to a bar/restaurant, so we got to bring tacos, french fries, and a couple of adult beverages with us into the movies - not bad! Of course, I'm still a popcorn enthusiast at heart ;)
...Went out to return one thing, and ended up out shopping for a whole morning. Whoops. I only brought home one adorable gingham striped tee for myself and the rest were gifts so I don't feel that terrible about it. I also popped into the new Amazon Books on Southport, and I may just have a new favorite store. Of course it was their grand opening so they were handing out little rice krispie treats and smoothies, which may have biased me a bit!
...Drove out to the burbs for a little meet & greet with my cousin's new baby! They adopted so they didn't have the chance to have a baby shower, so we got to skip smelling candy in diapers and go straight to tickling a new little baby. You guys, he is so freaking cute. They dressed him up in some little baby suspenders which is basically the cutest thing you can do to a baby (besides the photo they have of him wearing Harry Caray glasses of course ;) I'm definitely excited to have another little baby in the family!
...Celebrated my sister and mom's birthdays with a dinner at my parents' house and about eighteen pounds of linguine and clams. We really know how to do dinner ;)
...Had a quiet day at home on Sunday pounding out work before our big trip, cooking a few healthy meals to make up for all of the pasta, and finishing up reading It Ends With Us. It's definitely more of a beach read, but it really had me hooked by the end - mostly because I wanted to make sure all of the characters were okay!

I hope you had a good one!

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