Friday, February 2, 2018

Friday Finds

Happy Friday!! I can't believe the weekend is here again, it was a crazy week for me so time just flew by. Work was crazy for the first half of the week and then full of celebrating after that because our fiscal year ended on Wednesday. We had a big party at Bounce Sporting Club, which had really good food, and, despite it's name, is not a ping pong bar - but, there was a giant Connect Four. There were a lot of coworkers I never see anymore and some former coworkers, and it was so fun getting to catch up with everyone. Plus I got my hands on a couple of moscow mules ;)

I'm really excited about this weekend though, because one of my besties is getting married and we're going wedding dress shopping!! Cue lots of champagne and hopefully no tears. I actually was commanded not to cry, but, I mean, come on. I'm probably crying. My little girl is all grown up!

Onto the finds for this week. I'm honestly holding myself back from that striped sweatshirt, because, well, I currently have so many sweatshirts that they no longer fit in their drawer and are now overtaking the towel section of my closet. Oy. I may need to schedule a closet cleanout for this weekend too. Which may just give me enough space for the striped sweatshirt ;) I also am seriously debating those earrings because LOFT is currently having a sale. I mean, LOFT is always having a sale, but that's what I'm telling myself.

one / two / three / four / five

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