Wednesday, June 19, 2019

What's Your Coffee Order?

Jacket - Old Navy / Top (similar here and here) - LOFT / Jeans - Gap / Flats (exact on eBay, similar here) - BP / Bag - Clare V

Something that people are always shocked to learn about me is that I don't like coffee. It's really funny to tell people, because the conversation alway goes exactly the same: 

"You don't like coffee? Do you drink tea?"

"Nope, I don't like tea either." 

"So what do you drink in the morning?"


"But how do you wake up?"

"I... just do?" 

I've never been a caffeine person, I thought that might change when I had Mia and couldn't get eight hours of sleep a night, but nope, we're still going strong over here uncaffeinated. I can't get past the taste of coffee (bleh) and too much caffeine (read: a normal amount for most adult humans) gives me the jitters and an immediate headache. 

I usually don't even think about my non-coffee preferences, unless someone asks me on a coffee date.  In college a guy asked me on a coffee date, and we both got to the register and realized neither of us liked coffee and we were like "WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE?!" and went and got a beer instead.

I literally taught myself to like chai lattes because I knew they were really mild and I needed something to drink in coffee shops so I wouldn't embarrass myself when I was networking. No one wants to hire the girl drinking a "kids temperature hot chocolate" (which, yes, I have ordered before ;)

So what's my go-to order? In the summer, I'll go for a non-fat iced chai latte or a lightly sweetened passion tango tea at Starbucks, which is basically adult Kool Aid. The rest of the year, I'll get that chai hot or a peppermint hot chocolate around the holidays. 

Maybe someday I'll start drinking coffee, but I doubt it. Me and my water are doing just fine over here.

Jacket - Old Navy / Top (similar here and here) - LOFT / Jeans - Gap / Flats (exact on eBay, similar here) - BP / Bag - Clare V

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