Monday, June 12, 2017

This Weekend...

This weekend I...

...met up with Jeff for post-work drinks that quickly turned into post-work dinner at Waterhouse. It was 80 degrees and sunny on Friday, so obviously we (and what felt like everyone else in the city) had to find a patio! This is my absolute favorite time of year in the city, and soaking up all of that outdoor time is a must.
...ran out of LOFT to return an embarrassing number of items, and had to walk out with this dress. It's like, all of my current favorite trends in one item. Plus, between their current sale (50% off all dresses!) and my rewards, I ended up getting it for almost 75% off.
...went to a Cubs game with Jeff and a couple of friends - yay for baseball season!! I'm not really into sports, but I still always love going. You get a little bit of sports, and a lotta bit of sunshine and junk food and beer!
...flew out to San Francisco for work! I'm heading to a design conference today which I'm super excited about - usually when I go to conferences I'm working the conference, so it'll be nice to be on the other side of things! Don't you worry, I have a new outfit post coming your way tomorrow while I'm out!

I hope you had a good one!

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